Monday, November 9, 2009

Rise up and fight for truth and freedoms!

Rise up and fight for truth and freedoms!

I would like to encourage all to write to your congressman and pursuade them to what you believe in. Many things are happening in the United States right now and I do not want to sit back 5, 10, 20, 30 years from now without having had some hand or role into decisions that are being made. If we do nothing then we are at the whims of others. I urge and call upon you to rise up and take action. Preserve your freedoms!

These are the thoughts of me to my Senators....

I would like to ask your vote against the health care bills that have been proposed to the Senate and have been passed through the house. The federal government does not have the right nor power to drive this bill, expanding government control will further increase our national debt and bankruptcy, it removes personal freedoms, and it unfairly forces the working class to pay for the bill.

First of all, the passage of this bill is not a right of the federal government. Amendment 10 clearly states: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

The federal government does not have the right to establish laws for health care coverage because it is not explicitly granted to them within the constitution. These rights, as defined by our U.S. Constitution, belong to the states.

Secondly, the U.S. Government needs to lead this people to prosperity by example. Our national government has zero fiscal accountability. Why would any new program be different? Why, when two of the largest government programs, Medicare and Social security, are running into bankruptcy, are we trying to fit yet another bill through?--A bill that would impact nearly 1/6th of the GDP of the United States of America.

If the federal government has proven that it has failed to bring in fiscally sound programs of social security and Medicare, then why and how could they possibly convince the citizens of the United States that this bill would be different? We are mortgaging away our freedoms and the freedoms of our children with these bills. The 2009 Budget Deficit was 1.4 Trillion dollars – close to 10% of the GDP. The government only collected 2.1 Trillion dollars, which means that 40% of all our 2009 expenditures was on credit.

This is my money, this is my children’s money and this is their children’s money. Please do all you can in your power to stop government spending. Fix the other programs’ budget problems before introducing a new budget problem and new programs with the same destiny.

Aside from the government spending away all of our hard-earned money and having it end up into some huge bureaucratic, inefficient agency, having the health care bill pushed through could mean loss of person freedoms, specifically the right to chose what you want for your life.

The best decisions are those made closer to the people themselves. I don’t need the government to tell me what is best for my family, I have a much better understanding of my personal needs than they do. Mandating I pay health insurance coverage is an outright crime. I should not be penalized if I choose not to participate in health care – that is my God-given choice. The government has no right to take away the money that I have worked hard for and decide what to do with it.

Furthermore, requiring that the wealthy classes pay for everything just because they have the money is also theft. What gives the government the right to take from the people that have worked hard for their money and give it to others? That is their rightful steward, it is not the government’s to take from them and hand it out to someone else. To expect them to pay, especially when they would be the least to actually benefit from it is an outright crime.

Please take these thoughts into consideration when representing the State.....

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