Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Amendment 10 and the constitution

The United States Constitution is our country's document of governance. It is what the entire government of the United States is founded on, it is the law of the land. Without adhering to this document and putting your agenda above it, you are placing yourself at war against the very thing this country was founded on. To push agendas contrary to the constitution is illegal, yet this seems to be a past-time of many of our elected officials today.

The 10th Ammendment of the United States of America Clearly States:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

This amendment specifically points out that unless the respective power is specifically granted to the United States, that the power belongs to the people or the states. The Federal Government does NOT have a legal right to push agendas through that are not outlined in the Constitution, yet they are trying to steal that very right away from the states, away from the people themselves. They are stripping the people from their God-given right of being able to make their own decisions.

James Madison, the father of the Constitution, stated:

Each State, in ratifying the Constitution, is considered as a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its own voluntary act. In this relation, then, the new Constitution will, if established, be a FEDERAL, and not a NATIONAL constitution

Why would the founding fathers give the governance to the states? Think about it -- the closer your governance is to the people, problems, circumstances, the better the decisions and solutions will be. Yet, for some reason our "leaders", more than 2,000 miles away think that they can make better decisions for you than YOU can yourself!

If I want to have an effective family at home and provide for the specific needs of my family, there's no way I'm going to depend on someone one thousand miles away to make the best choices for my children. NO WAY. How can they know my individual situation and circumstances? How can they know what my children's needs are? They Can't! The closer decisions are brought to the people themselves, the better the decisions will be. This not only makes the decisions better, but it also forces personal accountability. It forces you to grow up instead of living on a crutch of 'the next layer up'.

The 10th amendment is a freedom and principle of governance that we need to stand up and fight for. When the federal government steps in and passes a sweeping bill that every citizen of the United States is forces to pay into, they are stripping the states of their God given right to make their own decisions. This is Tyranny. This is forcing the will of the heads of government on the will of the people.

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