Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Amendment 10 and the constitution

The United States Constitution is our country's document of governance. It is what the entire government of the United States is founded on, it is the law of the land. Without adhering to this document and putting your agenda above it, you are placing yourself at war against the very thing this country was founded on. To push agendas contrary to the constitution is illegal, yet this seems to be a past-time of many of our elected officials today.

The 10th Ammendment of the United States of America Clearly States:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

This amendment specifically points out that unless the respective power is specifically granted to the United States, that the power belongs to the people or the states. The Federal Government does NOT have a legal right to push agendas through that are not outlined in the Constitution, yet they are trying to steal that very right away from the states, away from the people themselves. They are stripping the people from their God-given right of being able to make their own decisions.

James Madison, the father of the Constitution, stated:

Each State, in ratifying the Constitution, is considered as a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its own voluntary act. In this relation, then, the new Constitution will, if established, be a FEDERAL, and not a NATIONAL constitution

Why would the founding fathers give the governance to the states? Think about it -- the closer your governance is to the people, problems, circumstances, the better the decisions and solutions will be. Yet, for some reason our "leaders", more than 2,000 miles away think that they can make better decisions for you than YOU can yourself!

If I want to have an effective family at home and provide for the specific needs of my family, there's no way I'm going to depend on someone one thousand miles away to make the best choices for my children. NO WAY. How can they know my individual situation and circumstances? How can they know what my children's needs are? They Can't! The closer decisions are brought to the people themselves, the better the decisions will be. This not only makes the decisions better, but it also forces personal accountability. It forces you to grow up instead of living on a crutch of 'the next layer up'.

The 10th amendment is a freedom and principle of governance that we need to stand up and fight for. When the federal government steps in and passes a sweeping bill that every citizen of the United States is forces to pay into, they are stripping the states of their God given right to make their own decisions. This is Tyranny. This is forcing the will of the heads of government on the will of the people.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

No One cares

What do you do if no one cares? You solve a hard problem and customers say, yes please, I'd like that. you tell your boss, he says that's nice. You tell his boss, he says that's nice--but neither of them do anything. You tell the next boss and he forgets your name, then you tell anyone who will listen and they all say things like: That's nice, I'm glad your doing that, good luck, let me know, blah blah blah. Then when nothing gets done, and you jump in to finish, they say "hey what are you doing" "you can't do that" And you keep working. Then somehow you end up in a meeting where all the "decision makers" are there. And they decide to what...make another decision (in 8 months). So you tell the director, and he says "I'll look into it". You can't go much higher. Are we just in a world where no one cares? Is that what wealth and prosperity do? Make you indifferent? What a pain, you wonder then why you are taking upon yourself so much pain...to what end. If only all rose together, laziness would be abolished!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Stop government from taking our freedoms

I have been sitting on the side lines too long to sit and watch the freedoms of America disappear. I grew up in this great nation knowing that we were a free people. To live in this nation is one of the greatest blessings one could ever imagine. I have lived more than 3 years outside of the United states in Sweden and in Chile and I know the blessings and freedoms we have of living here.

These blessings come from how this nation was founded. The way this nation was founded facilitates the American Dream, encourages the pursuit of happiness, and grants us the blessings of personal responsibility and accountability.

Where else can that be fulfilled? Where else can a person start out with literally nothing, but work themselves up to the very top?

The Freedoms of the United States come from hard work, personal responsibility and accountability, and trust in God. Freedom has to be fought for. You earn it by the way you live.

If I exercise, eat properly, and take care of my body, then I become free from ailments and sicknesses. Because my body functions better, I am then able to do more things -- ski, run, manual labor, serve, etc. Hard work and discipline helps me become free.

The same principle applies to work. If I work hard day in and day out, then I acquire both skills and money. Having those skills and money then grant me the freedoms to expand myself, to pursue other lines of work, to have money to study, etc. etc. The more I apply myself, the more freedoms I have.

This is why I am so frustrated with the way the federal government is using my hard earned money. The way they are drafting these enormous bills and pushing us into debt is just flat out wrong. Personally, I think this is theft.

I understand that there are some things in life that require government, such as law enforcement, fire, defense, etc. But why should my government steal my hard earned money to move the nation deeper and deeper into debt.

I worked hard for that money. This year alone in 2009, the nation's budget deficit has already topped 1 trillion dollars.

The nation currently has a national debt of over 11 Trillion Dollars. ( http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ )

What are they doing? Where does all our tax money go? I think the federal government is missing one important thing: This is the people's government. It's not the president's government, it's not congress' government. It is the people's government.

If the people have to work day in and day out and they are held up against the wall to hold a budget, then the federal government (the people's government) better start holding a budget.

Sure times are bad, there will always be good times and there will always be bad times as long as the world will stand. But if I had hard times at home, I don't go out and spend more money than I have. What sense does that make? Why isn't the government held to the same standard? Don't you see? ... In the name of recovery, in the name of health care, in the name of whatever, they are stealing our freedoms. They are taking away our very powers to act for ourselves with our hard earned money. Why should I trust that people thousands of miles a way can make better decisions for my family than I can with my own finances? They can't even hold a budget.

WHY on earth should those that keep a budget have to pay those that can't? That makes no logical sense whatsoever. If you really want things to flow, then remove the money from those that can't hold a budget and give it back to those that can.

You wonder why so many people run up debt like there is no tomorrow. Because the government does. If the head of our nations doesn't see any issue in the debt and feels that they can lay it on generations to come, then why should the people care. Bailing people out promotes the opposite of what this very nation was founded on. There are times when failure is required for growth.

Don't you see? This promotes nothing but idleness, laziness, lack of personal accountability, etc. None of which are what this nation was founded on. The road to socialism promotes the opposite of what actually creates freedoms. If the government 'provides for all', then people lose the drive to work for it. There are thousands of people that won't work because it makes more sense to take from the welfare system. It promotes idleness. So the working class is essentially paying for people to be idle. The ones it penalizes are the ones that play by the rules.

If you take away all the freebies and handouts, then you have the American Dream. Why? Because it promotes work, and that my friends, is the catalyst for the American Dream.